The initiative of the Novo Museu do Ipiranga Project has developed a series of applications, called Wiki Museu do Ipiranga, with the aim to invite you to work in the investigation and curation work of the items and objects from the Ipiranga Museum collection.

How many? invites you to count how many elements are present in the works of the Ipiranga Museum collection. For example, how many lambs are depicted in the painting Mulher na Janela Alimentando Cordeiros, Menino Sentado numa Banqueta, by Adrien Henri Vital van Emelen?
What clothes should I wear? invites you to describe the clothes and accessories of the people portrayed in works from the collection of Ipiranga Museum. For example, what accessories are used by Dona Jessy de Souza Queiroz in her portrait by Karl Ernst Papf?
Which brand? invites you to identify the brand of objects from the Ipiranga Museum collection. For example, which is the brand of the toy Trem de luxo Nº2?
What is the ornament? invites you to identify the ornaments represented in objects from the Ipiranga Museum collection. For example, what type of flower is represented in a tureen with lid produced by the Indústrias Reunidas Fábricas Matarazzo?
What is it for? invites you to photograph and describe the use of objects similar to those found in the collection of the Ipiranga Museum that you have at home. For example, do you have a cheese grater like this in your kitchen at home. Do you only use it for grating cheese? Or do you use it as a decorative piece? Does it have a special story?
What is in the coat of arms? invites you to identify the heraldic elements of the coats of arms depicted in works and objects in the Ipiranga Museum collection. For example, can you identify all the elements present in this coat of arms painting by José Wasth Rodrigues?